81 – 83 Women’s
Coalition of Milwaukee,
Public Speakers Bureau
I was trained to be a public speaker
on the subjects of the prevention of sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse and neglect. Over the years I
have published stories on these subjects and hope to be able to continue to do so. I was the first man ever to get an
award from this organization for my active participation in the community education project.
81 - 84 Family
Services of Milwaukee,
Families in crisis need help.
I was on duty one night per week for four years. Their training program was excellent. My
Supervisor, Ray Gurney was fantastic. Also, the referral books I had were very good too.
82 - 83 Underground
Switchboard, Alcohol
drug addiction counselor
This was a revolutionary project
at the time. We offered free confidential counseling to those with drug and alcohol related problems.
97 - 01 American
Red Cross, Disaster
Action Team & Logistics team
Most of the disasters I went to
were fires and floods. Sometimes it was difficult because people often lost everything. In cases of grief counseling
it was especially difficult. Their training and certifications programs were nothing less than spectacular. Every
month for one week I'd carry a pager and radio. I always worked the 6pm to 6 am shift. We had to be able to instantly
respond to disasters. It was terrific work and I miss it, and the people I worked with.
05 – Present
In Nonsan, South Korea:
volunteer English language teaching
at orphanage and another community
center for disadvantaged youth.
The kids I teach are wonderful.
Most of them are good learners. It's great! People who don't do volunteer work have no idea regarding all the genuinely
fun things they're missing. Seeing youngsters develop new skills and even attaining mastery is joy.