Gregory C. Brundage, Journalist

Sports and Martial Arts

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스포츠 - 운동 - 무술
A few photos...

That's me, center back row! June, 2007
Beijing mixed martial art team at Olympic Village

During my one week vacation between the end of Spring vacation and the beginning of Summer school, 2007 I went to Beijing.  I visited the Beijing University of Physical Education's Wu Shu progam, Capital Institute of Physical Education, and the Mixed Martial Art (MMA) program at the Olympic Village.  The picture above is from the MMA Program.  I did a little wrestling with one of their champions!  Fun!  It was a working holiday, because I took a lot of pictures and wrote stories for Kung Fu magazine.  Everyone there in Beijing was so kind!  And the food was outta-this-world!
This past summer (2008) was just work, work, work!  But, I wrote more stories, found some MMA training places around Korea, did some sparring, jogging and other sports and managed to survive and stay healthy!

One way I keep happy and healthy is doing a lot of sports.  So, I hope these photos inspire you to get out there and sweat!  Sweet sweat!

Weight training - Good for the body and soul

Friends from my Taekwando school in Dong SanDong

Friend & I at Hapkido

Some students and I on Gyeriongsan

Me trying to look tough...


All these pictures were taken 2006 to 2008.  Considering my great age (ha, ha) I think they show that sports really can help a person stay young and healthy!

Traditional Korean archery
I competed in a few tournaments. Great guys!

Evolution demanded a lot of exercise.  Most people never even scratch the surface.  We are truly engineered for amazing things.  Explore your potential.  Probably you can do a lot more than you think! 

My previous Kumdo master, Park Yong Chun 8th Dan
I live in a different city now, but visit there sometimes.

Abbot & Grandmaster of Sonmudo, Seol Jeog-Un
of Golgulsa Temple and me

K-1 Club Daejon August 5, 2008
Nice people here... this guy probably could have killed me!

August 2008
I'll make a site for Korean MMA training centers soon!

It's just a hobby of course, but... it's been fun!  I've been fortunate to make many friends in many nations doing martial arts.  Unlike the movies, most martial arts people are interesting and disciplined people.  Fun too!

Martial Art Resume

Gregory C. Brundage


1969  Taekwando, Milwaukee Downtown YMCA,

            Mr. Lee  6th Dan USA


           Judo, Milwaukee Downtown YMCA,

           Neil Rosenberg  5th Dan USA


1972  Judo training, Barcelona, Spain


1973   State High School Judo Championship

           Gold Medal ; Junior State Olympic Judo Gold

           Medal and numerous other medals and trophies


       Awarded 1st degree brown belt, Judo USJA

1974  Club Taekwondoka – Cali, Columbia

           South America

1975  Shorin-Ryu Karate, Ki Mind and Body, Milwaukee,

           WI, USA

1976-1982  Chinese Wu-Shu training, Simon Chen,

          Jimmy Young, USA

1979 Taekwando, John Carini 4th Dan, Milwaukee, WI


1981  Awarded 1st Dan, Kempo Goju Karate, M. Sabir,

           5th Dan  4813 W. Center St. Milwaukee WI USA

1982  Awarded 2nd Dan Kempo Goju Karate USA

1983-1988 Fencing, specializing in Epee USA

1992-1995 Karate – St. John’s School International

            Karate Team – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

1995   Mui Thai Kick Boxing, Jeddi Gym,

           Bangkok, Thailand

1996-2002 Kempo Goju Karate, Sabir’s Kempo Goju,

           Milwaukee, WI USA

2002  Moved to Korea - Taekwando training

2003  1st Dan Taekwando, Jeonju, South Korea

2003 - Present  Kumdo Training (Korean

           Kendo) Jeonju Kumdogwan,

           Master Park Yong Chun 8th Dan, South Korea

2004 - Present  2nd Dan Taekwando, Jeonju,

            South Korea

2005   Began Kookung – Korean Archery training,

            Gangyong City, South Korea

2005   Hapkido training, Nonsan City, South Korea

2008   Some boxing and K-1 stuff. Due to my very busy work schedule it's hard to train regularly, but at least 4 - 5 times a week I get some kind of intense exercise! 


Currently: Cross training exercises includes, mountain jogging, yoga, weight training, aerobics, squash, sea swimming and others!  


                                         Dance Resume
At the tender age of 15 or so, I started sneaking into dance bars... for obvious reasons!  I loved dancing.  In the mid-seventies I even worked in a disco bar for a couple of years.
Starting in the late 1970s I began formal dance training in ballet, jazz dancing and African dance.
I had many great teachers.  One was Clide Morgan, a celebrated African/Brazilian style dancer and Ferne Yangyeite Caulker, founder of the famous Ko-Thi Dance Company.
1986-1988 I trained and performed with jazz company: "Dance Spectrum" which was located in Shorewood, Wisconsin. (The newspapers give me good reviews!!!)
I also performed with a couple of other companies - one organized by a brilliant lady named Barbra Robertson.  It was all good.
For those who don't know about dance, jazz dancing is what you see on most music videos.  It is a unique American blend of Ballet and African dance.
When I lived in Jeonju I used to go dancing at Music Bank and Jukebox.  I also went to a Jazz dance academy called "You & Me," (Dukgin Square) which unfortunately closed down in 2006. 

Me dancing on the full moon! Yea baby!