My "English Teacher" home page can be found at:
국제 저널리스트
Peace! Salam! Shalom! Paz! 평화!
Like diamonds we're born in the rough. If we're lucky, life smooths our many facets.
Then, we just need a little polishing. After that, we're pure transmitters of light and color. Shine on!
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth may be a revolutionary act." (George
My name is Gregory C. Brundage. I've been writing professionally for journals, newspapers and magazines for more
than 25 years. Though in the past, I wrote about many subjects including neo-nazi organizations, wars, and serial
killers, these days I prefer sports and arts. It's what makes me happy! World peace through sports!
Hay, why not?
Though I have an American passport, I've lived in and traveled though some 23 countries starting at the age of six.
So I see the U.S. from both the inside out, and the outside in. I like to think of myself as a responsible world citizen.
My father is a distinguished professor, and my mother's father was a prolific writer, lecturer (i.e. Harvard University),
and radio commentator. I myself was a university student for 15 years, because I loved learning, and especially research.
I hope this homepage can inspire you to learn about your world, capture it in words and photos, and help communicate
your views to the larger global village.
Don't believe everything you read in the news. Everyone is biased. News is supposed to be balanced
and fair, but, rarely is this really the case. Though I read news from many sources, I critically analyze it.
Press organizations like Reporters Without Borders often display outrageous bias sometimes. They under-report some censorship,
while loudly broadcasting others. Is, "A" really more free and fair, or cruel and corrupt than "B" (?) I ask myself
Be a discriminating reader! Things are often not what they appear on the surface. Read broadly,
and more importantly, think.
A good host is infinately polite to guests. It is a sacred responsibility.
Take a deep breath. Relax. Be comfortable. A refreshed mind is more
open to experiencing life.