Educational philosophy


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Attitude is everything! 

Why did you decide to become a teacher?

I want the students to become interested in English so they like it and think its fun learning English.  Really, I think motivation is the key to good teaching and learning.  I hope to communicate my enthusiasm, so the students feel enthusiastic.  When I see a student make great progress, all the work turns into joy.  That’s why I decided to become a teacher.

Who were your role models in education?
My father is a university professor and when I was a high school student during the summers he let me participate in his classes.  He used high density information, and humor to keep everyone working hard and happy.  Also, I like to watch movies with great comedians, like Mr. Bean and Jim Carrey. 

What are your strengths as a teacher?

I use lot of humor. I’m very patient and I believe  human potential is much greater than most people think.  So, I look for the positive aspects of student's efforts and build on that.  I believe students and teachers need to have mutual respect and a basic moral foundation. Then, in the classroom everyone can participate in cooperative learning. So, I try to teach more than just language skills.  I try to be a good model of moral behavior, and make a good atmosphere for everyone. Also, I try to keep the mood light.  I use lots of jokes and physical comedy.

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