My Fashion Story
Someone recently asked me “When, where and why did you become
interested in fashion?”
It probably all began when I was a kid living in Spain. My parents bought me a three piece suit, and “shazam,” like magic (!) I felt like a million
bucks. "Gregorio" is what I was called in Spain and South America. I rather like the latin flair!
As a teenager I followed the latest hippy trends, yep, including "flairs"
and fringe, the whole 9 yards! I guess they call it "retro" now.
At about the age of 23 or so a lady friend of mine bought me a subscription
to GQ magazine. She felt I needed a fashion “up-grade.” A few years later I used to hang out with a dear friend that organized local community fashion shows featuring
cottage-industry fashion designs.
In 2005 I was asked to teach English conversation to a Costume Design
class at Konyang University, in South Korea.
The research for this site started then, and blossomed into this site in 2007.
I feel it necessary to apologize for my primitive site design skills and the paucity of research here. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep working on this site until it truly is a work of art worthy of the
awesome industry it tries to describe.