Tight / loose헐거운 옷
Short / long
Brightly colored밝은 색상 / dark colors캄캄한
Modern 현대의, 요즈음의 / traditional 전통
Sexy성적인 / modest 겸손한
Wild 야생의 / simple 쉬운, 용이한
Comfortable, chic, trendy, cheap, exotic, normal, unusual, stylish, soft, cute, elegant, romantic, unique, sporty…
1. I like my clothes to be ________, _________and ___________.
I don’t like ____________ and ___________.
2. I prefer pants to skirts (or skirts to pants).
3. I like _________ name brand because it’s _______________.
Some international brands
Anna Sui – mixes modern with
1920s art-deco예술; 미술 and narrow좁은, 가는 cut fashions
Calvin Klein – Darker colors,
lots of black, skirts about knee무릎 length, a little tight.
Alberta Ferretti – Usually darker
reds, darker pinks and maroons밤색, 적갈색, a bit square정사각형 (boxy) and rectangular직사각형, 장방형, pleats and colored tights, not really sexy but medium short skirts (lots of leg).
Christian Dior – Has pinks, reds,
black and purple, exotic, fluffy, fantasy-like, wild, ultra modern chic멋 and light materials.
Emporio Armani – Blacks, whites,
stripes줄무늬, 줄 and dots물방울무늬, not loose nor tight,
modernist 1960s styles, moderately flashy번쩍 빛을 내는, eye catching
Junya Watanabe - Lots of grays and
browns, ragged edges, a mix of 1950s and 90s very eclectic, long, forlornly seductive – orphan (고아) style
DKNY – Black, white, gray and
bright red, this collection is kind of conventional전통적인
Celine – Ultra-modern, lots of
whites, blacks and silvers, sleek, zebra stripes, slim, tight slacks and mid-thigh skirts
Valentino – Wide range from furs모피 and feminine여성; 여성형, black fashion pirate해적 fantasy and college coed, Valentino is sexy and sharp.
Yohji Yamamoto – A bit of a masculine남성 cut, but loose and tight in all the right places, with long lines and great fabrics직물을.
A6 – Conventional전통적인, Polo – Expensive conservative보수적인 clothes, ASK – Low price modern,
Nike, Adidas, Rebok, Spris, etc.
1. 솜털의[같은], 솜털 모양의; 솜털로 뒤덮인. 2. 부픗한,
솜같이 가벼운.
3. (인품 따위가) 경박한; (지능 따위가) 하찮은,
시시한, 보잘것 없는. 4. 《英속어》 술에 취해서
비틀거리는; (배우가) 대사를
잘 잊어버리는.
A shirt with narrow pleats at the front
앞에 좁은 주름이 달린 셔츠
Collarless shirt with a thin gray stripe.
가는 회색 줄무늬가 있는 목 없는
Country people in their traditional costumes
전통 의상을 입은 시골 사람들
He has an eclectic taste in clothes.
그는 옷 대해 복합적인 취향을 갖고 있다
Fabric 직물, 피륙; 옷감; 짜는 법
Hem 1. (천·옷의) 옷단, 가장자리,
헴(풀리지 않도록 감친 가두리).
2. (일반적으로) 가장자리, 변두리; 경계.
Plaid 격자 무늬의 직물
Texture 【명사】 짜임, 조직, 결. 1. delicate[fine] texture
촘촘하게 짜임; rough texture 거칠게
짜임, 짜임이 거침

Seoul Fashion
Center Has High Hopes희망 for Korean Fashion
Korea Times 06-22-2007
By Cathy Rose A. Garcia
people talk about Asian designers in the fashion world, Japan's
names like Issey Miyake, Takada Kenzo and Yohji Yamamoto or Americans of Chinese descent like Vera Wang and Anna Sui are always
Unfortunately, no Korean designer has achieved이루다 those fashion designers’ level of success and international국제 recognition인정받다. Not yet아직.
Hahn Seong-hee, Seoul Fashion Center (SFC)
director-general기관장, said it is time Korean designers get recognition on the international fashion scene.
He said Korean designs are in tune with global 공 모양의 style, but with unique유일한 and distinctive특유의 qualities that make it special특수한.
``Korean designs, I think, have global공 모양의
style. The designers come up with high quality designs that I think everyone will like," he said.
Korean designers
like Lie Sang-bong and Cho Sung-kyong are slowly getting famous유명한in Paris, while Korean-American
designers Doori Chung and Richard Chai are also getting a lot of attention in New York.
However, Hahn admits there
is still a lot to be done to push Korean designers to the forefront선봉에of global fashion. SFC, an agency under the Seoul City government, is helping Korean designers
develop internationally known brands through overseas marketing마케팅and promotion광고, as well as financial금융상의support돕다.
In the past, the Korean fashion industry산업; 제조업mostly consisted of manufacturing, but due
to competition경쟁with China, it is now changing바꾸다to become a high value industry. According
to the SFC, Korea is already ranked 8th or 9th in the world, in terms of creativity창조적인,
design, quality상류의 and marketing시장에서의 매매 of fashion.
To provide an opportunity for designers to showcase their work, the Seoul Collection is held twice a year. It consists of
fashion shows featuring autumn/winter and spring/summer collections of top Korean designers.
The SFC is also trying
to boost밀어 올리다Korean fashion by capitalizing on the popularity of Korean stars through the Hallyu
Stars Fashion Festival.
Hahn said the event helped the mutually서로의 beneficial유익한 relationship관계 between
designers and stars, and hopes the star power of Korean stars would help Korean designers to become recognized around Asia.
he believes the Korean fashion industry should also work with China and Japan to create창조하다an
Asian style that can compete경쟁하다with European or American designs.
``We're also thinking of getting some Chinese
or Japanese stars to wear Korean designed clothes. Or maybe the Chinese and Japanese designers could come here and Korean
stars could wear their designs - the three countries should work together to make Asian fashion style known around the world,''
he said.
What does SFC stand for?
Seoul Fashion Center
How are they helping Korean designers expand넓히다overseas해외로?
They are trying to help through
overseas marketing and promotion, as well as financial support.
What are five qualities used in evaluating평가하다Korean designs?
Creativity창조적인, design디자인, quality상류의, and marketing시장에서의 매매.
What can help Korean designs to compete경쟁하다in the international marketplace장이 서는 넓은 터?
Cooperation협동, 협력between Chinese, Korean and Japanese designers, as well as support of Asian pop and movie stars
can help Korean designs compete.
If you got a job with SFC, what would you like to do?
I’d like to…
persuade설득 하다Korean pop stars to wear Korean fashions.
persuade Chinese and Japanese stars to wear Korean fashions.
organize조직하다fashion shows in Korea and overseas.
write marketing for Korean designers.
design web sites promoting Korean fashions.
Other: _____________________
What are the names of four internationally recognized Korean designers?
Lie Sang-bong and Cho Sung-kyong
in Paris, and Doori Chung and Richard Chai in the U.S.
BONUS QUESTION: Which Korean fashion designer was inspired by the Guardian Angels수호 천사that protect방어하다us?
Hint: you can find the answer:
On the Korean Fashion Designers

On the bottom아랫부분 of the Korean Fashion Brands page,
there is a list of four SUPER GIANT거한 Multi-brand Korean corporate법인 조직의 fashion brand owners임자. Who are they?
During what dynasty왕조, 왕가 in Korea, did the long shirts and jackets change to waist허리 length?
_______________________ (Korean Fashion History page)
What age나이 was Andre Kim when he opened “Salon
Andre” in Sogong-dong, Central Seoul? (Korean Fashion Designers page)
About when did people first start시작하다 sewing바느질 clothes?
________________ (World Fashion
Superstars page)
What is the name of the fashion designer from Lebanon레바논?
______________ (World Fashion
Superstars page)
What city is considered the textile직물
capital of Korea?
What is the name of one Korean
fashion brand not listed on the Directory인명 of Korean Fashion Brands page?
The answers to all questions on this quiz (except the bonus question!) can be found at:
Jobs in Fashion
See http://www.koreafashion.or.kr/job/specialist/specialist.asp
(Korean Fashion Association)
For more information
Manager 경영자
F. administrator패션전문 경영자 (제조업
F. director패션전문 경영자 (소매업 부문)
Brand manager브랜드별 마케팅
업무의 총괄자
F. consultant패션산업 전반에
걸친 상담 및 고문
F. coordinator 기획, 생산 구매, 판매 및 판촉활동의 조정자
F. merchandiser상품기획에서 시장도입에 이르기까지 일련의 마케팅 수행자
F. designer 패션 이미지를 스케치하여
의상제작을 지시하는 전문가
Modelist자기가 디자인한 것을 광목으로 패턴제작까지 하는 디자이너
F. coordinator 기획, 생산, 구매, 판매촉진 활동의 조정자
Colorist컬러정보수집, 컬러방향설정,
아이템/모델별 컬러선정 전문가
Textile Designer 실선택, 편직법, 프린트창조, 색상조정을 하는 디자이너
Knit Designer니트를 소재로 하여 디자인하는
Stylist패션잡지, 광고, 예능계, 패션모델 등의 의상스타일링 담당자
Converter: 미가공의 원직물을 완성품으로 만들어판매하는 전문가
F. documentarian패션정보 수집, 정보, 분석 전문가
Fashion Illustrator: 디자인 스케치 전문가
Product Manager생산관리 담당자
Pattern Designer디자이너가 디자인한 스타일의 패턴제작자
Crader 대량생산을 위한 사이즈 전개 담당자
Marker 대량생산에 사용되는 원단의 요척산출 담당자
Cutter 대량생산을 위하여 연단한 원단의 커팅 담당자
Sewing girl 견본제작 및 대량생산을
위한 봉제 전문가
Inspector 생산된 완제품의 품질검사 담당자
Quality Controller대량생산 과정에서 발생하는 불량품의 체킹과 예방 담당자
Fashion buyer백화점의 상품구매와
판매촉진 담당자
Fashion Advisor패션 소매점의 전문적인 판매원
Shop master소매점의 판매 책임자
Sales people판매와 판매촉진 담당자
Retail Merchandiser백화점의 상품기획 전문가
Order made designer소매점에서 고객의 주문을 받는 디자이너
Stylist소매점에서 소비자를 위한 스타일링 담당자
Display designer매장이나 전시장의
Advertising marketer광고대리점의 광고주가 원하는 시장조사 및 광고기획 담당자
Art director광고제작 회사의 업무 총괄자
Fashion photographer패션관계의 사진을 촬영하는 전문가
Fashion model디자이너의 새로운 작품을 선전하는 전문가
Fashion writer신문, 잡지 등 패션관계 기사 집필가
Fashion copy writer 패션 광고의 콘티작성이나 원고 작성자
Fashion analyst패션정보의 수집, 정리, 분석 전문가
Fashion reporter패션영역 전반의 보도업무 전문가
Fashion columnist패션 전문지, 잡지, 일반지 컬럼의 논설, 논평 집필가
Fashion editor패션관계 신문, 잡지 등의 편집 전문가
Cap designer모자 디자인 전문가
Craft and Accessory Designer자수, 리본, 장신구, 귀금속 등의 기획 및 디자인 전문가
Cosmetician 패션쇼나 패션관계 촬영시 모델의 메이크업 전담가