Greg's EFL

Topics 43 - 46

Kids stuff
EFL Special Projects
Topics 1 - 4
Topics 5 - 8
Topics 9 - 12
Topics 13 - 18
Topics 19 - 22
Topics 23 - 26
Topics 27 - 28
Topics 29 - 30
Topics 31 - 34
Topics 35 - 36
Topics 37 - 38
Topics 39 - 42
Topics 43 - 46
Topics 47 - 50
Topics 51 - 54
Topics 55 - 57
Raising Children

Keep the moral high ground. 


43. Nov. 19           Why do people become...?

44. Nov. 20           Geography

45. Nov. 22           What are the symptoms?

46. Nov. 23           Is your diet balanced?


43   Why do people become…?



Why do people become evil?


I think people become evil because they ________________________________.



Why do people become stupid?


I think people become stupid because __________________________________.



Why do people become lazy? 


I think people become lazy because ___________________________________.



Why do people become crazy?


I think people become crazy because __________________________________.



Why do people become killers?


I think people become killers because __________________________________.



Why do people become parents? 


I think people become parents because ________________________________.



Why do people become religious?


I think people become religious because ________________________________.



Why do people become racist?

Why do people become sexist?

Why do people become ageist?


FYI: The 7 deadly sins are reported to be: pride, envy, anger, greed, sadness, gluttony, and lust. 


Are there any great evils you would add to this list?


44   Geography


Six Continents: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America


For a list of countries by continent, go to:


For this class, I'll bring some maps and we'll play some geographic and geo-political trivia games. 


For example, do you believe that there is a country called:  "Djibouti?"  If there is, where is it?


Or, what is the name of the president of Venezuela?  Does he like the American President?



45  What are the symptoms?





46 Is your diet balanced?


Everybody has a diet.  Some are good, some are bad.  Most of the basics of a good diet are known to everyone.  For example people need:


l      balanced meals, containing about 70% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 5% fat.


l      three or four pieces of fruit and servings of vegetables every day.


l      to eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a commoner and dinner like a pauper. 


l      regular exercise of some kind at least three or four times a week.


Practically everyone knows these things.  But, few people do these things.  Most people eat too much of the wrong things, not enough of the right things, drink too much alcohol, never exercise and then wonder why their bodies start falling apart in their thirties.


During their teens and twenties, most people secretly think of themselves as immortal.  They think somehow they will be the exception to the ordinary rules regarding aging.  Then, sometime in their thirties their past starts to catch up with them.  “Oh no!” 


I call this phenomenon “beaching on the shore of life.”  Basically it happens like this.  Sometime in your early thirties, you wake up one morning, overweight, with a hangover, look in the mirror, and see an old person looking back.  “Oh No!!”  Whatever happened? 


Natural genetic life should last till around 100 – 120 years.  We should be active, alert and intelligent until the very end of natural genetic life, and then simply drop dead.  People who die before that usually die of pathologies like stroke, heart attack, cancer, etc.


What is most important however is not thinking about the length of life, but rather, the QUALITY of life.  Most people who look in a mirror and see an obese person are not real happy about what they see.  Furthermore, for the overweight person, walking is not easy, running is difficult, dancing very stressful, and so on.  To make matters worse, immature individuals often make fun of overweight people. 




Is your diet balanced?


Please tell us about your dinner last night.  Compare it to the balanced diet described above. (70% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 5% fat.)


For dinner last night I ate ______________________.  It was about _____ % carbohydrates, ___% protein and ___% fat.


Adapting yourself to the enviornment is sometimes a good idea.  Adapting the environment to you is sometimes better.  Some people believe that "When in Rome do as the Romans do."  I wonder about that sometimes.  Their civilization fell apart for good reasons.

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