Greg's EFL

Topics 5 - 8

Kids stuff
EFL Special Projects
Topics 1 - 4
Topics 5 - 8
Topics 9 - 12
Topics 13 - 18
Topics 19 - 22
Topics 23 - 26
Topics 27 - 28
Topics 29 - 30
Topics 31 - 34
Topics 35 - 36
Topics 37 - 38
Topics 39 - 42
Topics 43 - 46
Topics 47 - 50
Topics 51 - 54
Topics 55 - 57
Raising Children

Did you watch an English language movie over the weekend?  Read an English language comic book?  How about listen to some English language music?  I hope so!   

WEEK 2        

5. Sept. 10         Liberal Vs. Conservative, what are you?

6. Sept. 11         Travel to where and why?

7. Sept. 13         Counseling

8. Sept. 14         Tell me about your family


5. Liberal Vs. Conservative - What are you?


Liberal         ----     Moderate          ----   Conservative

  15%                                       70%                                     15%


    LIBERAL                                                        CONSERVATIVE

1. Freedom is the most important thing.     1. Being careful is the

                                                                             most important thing.

2. Abortion낙태 is OK.                                  2. Abortion is not OK

3. Sex before marriage is OK.                     3. Sex before marriage is

                                                                             not OK.

4. People should have the power and         4. Government should

government should be small.                         have a lot of power.

5. High taxes세금 to help poor                    5. Taxes should  be low to

     people are OK.                                             help businesses.

6. Bright colors are good!                            6  Black, white and gray

                                                                            are best.

TOLERATE: 관대히 취급하다, 용인[묵인]하다, 너그럽게 보아주다; 참다

7. I can tolerate gay people                          7.  I cannot tolerate gay



I am a __________________, because I believe ____________,



and _______________.  I  don't believe ________________.



If you believe 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 on just one side of the curve, you are a real “arch” conservative or liberal. Most people are moderates which is a mixture of things from the right and left.  If you are moderate, explain why.  Are you simply wishy-washy?  If you believe 1, 2, 3 or 4 things on one side of the curve you are either a moderate liberal or a moderate conservative.


Please choose two or three issues and explain your viewpoint.




Travel to where, why and for how long?


At some time in the future, most people would like to travel somewhere.  The questions for today are:


* Where would you like to go? 

In the future, I'd like to go to _____________________,


* Why?

...because ___________________.


* How long would you like to stay there(?) and what would you do there?

I'd like to stay there for about ____________ (weeks, months, years) and ______________________.


* What kind of food do they have there?

Some famous ________ foods include _______ and _____. 

I think _______________ food is ______________...


* Do you know any of the language, culture, or history of that place?

(In class we will talk about different languages, histories and cultures..., i.e. how is that culture different from Korean culture?)

__________ history is different from Korean in that they ___________________...


* Who would you like to take with you and why?

I'd like to take my _______________ with me because ___________.




7   Everybody needs a counselor sometimes


Life has its’ ups and downs.  So, there are times in every ones life when they need to talk about their problems.  Counselors however, do not give advice.  Why?  Because the advice may turn out badly and then the client will blame the counselor.  Clients need to take responsibility for their problems and find their own answers.  Counselors pull the answers from clients, gently.


If the client has no idea what to do, the counselor can ask leading questions, like, “have you thought of talking with your sister?”  “Do you think going to a hospital might be a good idea?”  Also, you must sound like you really care.


Counselor questions

a.      How can I help you?

b.      How do you feel about that?

c.      Is this the first time something like this has happened to you?

      [or, “When did it start?”]

d.      What do you think you should do?

e.      Do you have any other ideas?

f.        Do you have friends or relatives you can talk to? (If “no” counselor says, “you can always come and talk with me.”)

g.      What is the best thing for you to do now?


Some Problems:

1        Your son is failing math.

2        Your mother is an alien.

3        A vampire bit you.

4        You are going crazy.

5        A witch turned you into a frog.

6        You have a drug problem.

7        You are pregnant (or your girl friend or sister is pregnant).

8        You just found out you have AIDS.

9        Your 17 year old daughter just ran away.

10    You are really stupid and ugly.

11    You’re going to prison for murder살인, 살해, but you’re innocent죄없는, 결백한!

12    Nobody loves you.

13    You just found out your brother is gay.

14    All your hair is falling out.

15    Everybody thinks you are gay but you’re not.

16    Your parents moved away without telling you because they don’t like you.

17    Aliens are following you.

18    Your English teacher hates you.

19    You have a date with a pop star but you have a big pimple on your nose.

20    Pink monkeys from mars are stealing your underwear.


Two questions (i.e. “How do you feel about that” and “Is this the first time this has happened to you?”) should be skipped with some problems.  For example, if your client tells you he has AIDS, the counselor doesn’t ask “How do you feel about that?” or “Is this is the first time…” 


The question: “Do you have any other ideas?” is also important.  Sometimes the client’s first idea is a bad one.  For example, the woman who found out her husband was cheating on her might want to shoot him.  Sometimes exploring several alternative solutions is a very wise idea.  Someone who found out they have AIDS may want to kill themselves.  Again, exploring other options is a very good idea. 


8    Tell me about your family!


Today I'd like to hear about the various people in your family.  I want to know what your parents are or were like, uncles and aunts, about your brothers and sisters, spouses (if you are married), in-laws and so on.  I want to know about their personalities!


개성                            Personality

소개하다                    Introduce

대망을  품은              Ambitious

고요한                        Calm

창조적인                    Creative

효율적인                    Efficient

열관적인                    Enthusiastic

을자극하다                Motivate

시간을지키는            Punctual

  늦추다                  Relax

믿을  있는             Reliable

버릇                            Habit


Is/was your father strict (엄격한, 엄한, 가혹한), stern (엄격한, 준엄한), traditional (전통의, 전설의, 구비의), or easy going (태평한, 마음 편한; 유장한, 느긋한, 게으른), flexible 1. flexible about …에 대해 융통성이 있는. 2. flexible in …에 있어서 유연한; flexible towards …에 대해 유연한), modern, kind, cruel, generous (관대한), smart, clever영리한, 총명한, 머리가 좋은 or wise (지혜가 있는), loving, hopeful(희망에 찬), strange, beautiful, terrifying, encouraging (신나는, 용기를 북돋워 주는, 격려하는; 호의적인; 유망한), hard working, disciplined (군기가 아주 잘 잡힌), predictable, unpredictable (예언할 수 없는 것사람, 사건), funny, creative (독창적인)? 


Same questions for mom.  How about your brothers and sisters?  Did/do they give you money?  Knock you on the head?  Give you good advice, bad advice, or no advice?  Do you have a husband or wife?  What is that person like?  How did you meet your spouse?  How about children?  Do you have children?  You can bet I and other students will ask you questions!!!



My father is/was (a little? very?) __________ and ___________.

My mother is/was (a little? very?) ___________ and ___________.

My brother is (a little? very?) __________ and ___________.

My sister is (a little? very?) ___________ and _____________.

My wife........

My husband....

My son.....

My daugher .......

Celebrate diversity!  All viewpoints are welcome here.  A good teacher asks questions, and does not burden the students with his or her own biases.  A world where everyone believed exactly the same things, would be a boring world indeed!

Feedback, submissions, ideas? Email:
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