23. Oct. 15 I love, I despise
24. Oct. 16 Renaissance Man/Woman
25. Oct. 18 Schoolgirls unenthusiastic toward
26. Oct. 19 Suggesting, advising, nagging
I love, I loath!
Synonyms (words with the same meaning, 동의어,
유의어) for love include “adore” (which also means worship) and “cherish” (hold
in very high value).
Synonyms for hate include “loath”
and “despise.” Hate is not a healthy emotion, and is a “red
flag” (warning) regarding a person’s mental health. In fact, hatred
is in my opinion, a contagious (전염병의 원인이 되는) disease!
is, however, acceptable (OK) in polite society to loath and despise some things and people!
Hating things and people is seen as immature (미숙한, 미성숙의; 미완성의),
even though they really mean the same thing!
What do you love and loath?
I love (or adore or cherish) _________ , because
I despise _____________, because ______________.
Renaissance Man/Woman
문예 부흥(기,
운동, 정신), 르네상스;
르네상스 양식
The term Renaissance man
suggests a person, either a man or a woman, of many accomplishments. A Renaissance man is not an expert or a specialist.
He or she knows more than just a little about "everything" instead of knowing "everything" about just one thing.
So, a doctor may not
be "educated," if her or she only knows medicine.
To be educated," says Aristotle, a
person must be "critical" in a wide range of scientific knowledge -- if he is able to distinguish between sense and
nonsense even when he is not a specialist in any one area of knowledge.
Some sciences과학 Just for your entertainment!
Anthropology인류학, anatomy해부학, architecture건축, astronomy천문학,
biology생물학, botany식물학, chemistry화학, computer science, endocrinology내분비학, engineering, geology지질학, geometry기하학, history역사, mathematics수학, medicine의학, microbiology미생물학, neurology신경학, optics광학, ophthalmology안과학, pediatrics소아과(학, philosophy철학,
physiology생리학, physics물리학, podiatry치료학, psychology심리학, zoology동물학
Some Arts (Fine arts:순수
예술) (Creative arts: 창작 예술) Computer design, conversation대화, comedy희극, dance춤추다, interior design설계, fashion패션,
music음악, painting그림, poetry시, sculpture조각, 조각술...
Which arts and/or sciences do you find most interesting?
EXAMPLE: In high school I really enjoyed biology and music.
I liked biology because I got an A+, and I enjoyed music because it was fun!
25 Schoolgirls unenthusiastic toward marriage: survey
Korea Herald
Nearly nine in 10 Korean schoolgirls consider marriage unnecessary according
to a recent survey, which underscores a drastic change in teens` perception of family life.
In the survey jointly conducted by the Presidential Committee on Population
Policy and the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs on 101,240 schoolboys and girls, only 16.8 percent answered that
marriage was essential in life.
The respondents included seniors in elementary school as well as middle and
high school students.
While about 23 percent of boys answered that tying the knot was a necessity
in life, only 10 percent of girls answered the same, showing that girls were more indifferent toward marriage.
Up to 2.5 percent of boys and girls said that they considered it was better
to avoid marriage and stay single.
While 52 percent of boys and 46 percent of girls said "although not essential,
it is better to get married," 20 percent of boys and 39 percent of girls said that "it was okay either way."
The survey showed that girls were also more against having children than
While about 31 percent of boys said that it was a must to have children,
23 percent of girls thought so. About 17 percent of boys and girls said that "they did not care."
On the issue of distributing housework, both boys and girls showed progressive
attitudes with up to 79 percent saying that the husband and wife should work together. About 20 percent answered that it was
the wife`s job, while 1 percent said that it was the husband`s job.
The survey also showed that 61 percent of the students had open views toward
international marriages, while 71 percent and 33 percent agreed on child adoption and living together before marriage, respectively.
By Shin Hae-in
Discussion questions
1. Why do so many Korean school girls
not want to get married?
(I think Korean girls don’t want to get married because _________.)
2. How do you feel about this?
(Reading this story makes me feel ___________)
3. What are the odds you’ll
get married?
25%? 50%?
75%? 95%? 100%?
(The odds are about ___ that I will get married.)
4. Would you marry a foreigner?
I would (not?) marry a foreigner because ____________.)
If “maybe,” what qualities does the foreigner need to have, for
you to consider marriage?
5. Do you think this kind of “anti-marriage”
thinking threatens the Korean race?
(I think it is - not? - a serious
threat to the Korean race because________.)
26 Suggesting, advising, nagging
These words differ
in terms of their coerciveness강요하다.
are very polite공손한 forms of giving advice충고, 조언 with no,
threats위협, 협박, 공갈 or negative consequences attached.
The differences between different levels of manipulation지배하다, 통제
are somewhat fuzzy. Nagging잔소리 is very coercive.
get a hair cut.
get a new car.
go to sleep earlier.
be quiet
It might be a good idea to....
Have you thought of…
What do you think about…
How about…
Advice is more
I think you should…
You’d better…
Nagging is usually
repeated, uninvited advice:
If I’ve told you once, I’ve told
you a thousand times to…
How many times have I told you to…
Ordering is a totally
coercive form of giving “advice.” Usually orders are given when one
person has significant power over another person.
Get a hair cut!
Get a new car!
Go to sleep earlier!
Shut up!
Work harder!
Finish by 12:00 or I'll kill you!
Please catalogue
the following as either a making a suggestion, advising, nagging or ordering.
1. Why not try
talking to her first?
2. Move your car.
3. If you wait
long enough she’ll come to you.
4. You’d
better think of another solution.
5. Go out and kill all the pink monkeys from mars.
6. What do you
think about shooting pink monkeys?
7. If I were you I’d go out and shoot all those pink Martian monkeys.
8. Your delay in
killing those pink monkeys is driving me crazy! I’ve told you this before
and I’ll tell you again, you must go kill them!
I’d like
everyone in the class to try either making a suggestion to another class member (or me), or giving advice, or nagging or ordering. Is that an order? No, just a friendly
suggestion! You don’t have to if you don’t want to! But, if you don’t I’ll probably nag you!
I appreciate your
suggestion but can’t do that because…
Thanks for the
Thanks for the
advice, I’ll think about it.
Great idea!
That’s an
interesting idea!
That’s an
interesting idea, but I have a better idea…
I’ll think
about it.
I’ll have
to think about it.
I’d like
to do that but I can’t because…
You might be on
to something. (That might be a good idea.)
I know you’re
trying to help, but you’re way off base. (“Off base” = wrong)
Yes Sir/Mam!