51. Dec. 3 How to be a winner!
52. Dec. 4 What makes a good leader?
53. Dec. 6 Jokes and riddles
54. Dec. 7 How to be happy
51 How to be a winner승리자!
There was a book written called “The
Master Game.” The book suggested that a major, if not the major goal of
a full life, is to find a game worth playing.
In most games there are winners and losers. And, nobody always wins. Nobody.
However, there are ways to maximize your
winning potential and other ways to pull victory from defeat.
One way to increase your winning potential
is to never quit곧 포기: Tattoo this on your forehead: “Quitters never win and winners never quit.” So, obviously,
perseverance (끈질긴 인내) a necessary quality for a true winner.
During the American Revolutionary war, the early Americans lost most battles to the much more sophisticated British
forces. However, they didn’t quit.
They kept fighting and eventually won some important battles. Then, the
British quit.
There are many different philosophies
about games. One old adage속담states: “It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose its how you play
the game.” Beautiful losers are often admired감탄하다more
than arrogant거만한winners. Jesus was crucified (loser!) but, at this time about a quarter of the world’s
population worship him! It may come as a surprise to many Christians to find
out Moslems (Islamic people) deeply respect Jesus as a very special and blessed Prophet!
So, maybe half the world’s people admire Jesus! In the end, the
Romans that crucified him were the losers.
Being a gracious loser is the first step
in turning defeat into victory. Everybody
hates a sore loser진 것을 깨끗이
인정하지 못하는 사람!
Vince Lombardi is considered to have
been one of the greatest football coaches in history the following are some of his quotes:
“Every time a football player goes
to play, he’s got to play from the ground up - from the soles of his feet right up to his head. Every inch of him has
to play. Some guys play with their heads. That's O.K. You've got to be smart to be number one in any business. But more importantly,
you've got to play with your heart, with every fiber of your body. If you're lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head
and a lot of heart, he's never going to come off the field second.”
“The harder you work, the harder
it is to surrender넘겨주다.”
“Winning is not everything, but
wanting to win is.”
The legendary Bruce Lee once wrote that
a winner has to rationalize합리적으로
설명[취급]하다his failures무찌르다in
order to continue on to win. Also “Defeat무찌르다is not defeat unless accepted as reality -
in your own mind!”
1. In sports
and other competitions I usually win about ___% of the time.
2. When
I win, I am (always, usually, rarely, never) gracious (친절한, 상냥한, 인정 많음; 예의
바른) to the loser.
3. When
I lose, I am (always, usually, rarely, never) gracious to the winner.
4. I would
(not) cheat to win.
Are you a beautiful loser, or a sore
One thing my parents often said is: “It
takes a big man to say ‘I’m sorry.’” As the years have
gone by, I hear that phrase less and less often. In fact, I haven’t heard
“I’m sorry,” in years! What does that suggest?
(Does the fact that “pride”
is listed as the first of the seven deadly sins give any clue as to my answer to that question? It could be that I’m the only one making mistakes these days, but that seems statistically improbable!)
When was the last time you said: “I’m
5. The
last time I said “I’m sorry” was (this morning, yesterday, the day before yesterday, three days ago…
last week, last month, last year, two years ago, three years ago). I _____________________.
How much would you sacrifice to win?
6. I would
sacrifice희생하다my ___________________.
Casual friends
Best friend
All my money
My integrity 성실, 정직,
My honor
My life
“Positive thinking usually helps;
too much positive thinking is self delusion자기
Someone once said: “The best revenge복수is living well.” The person who lives the best life, may be the greatest winner!
52 Leadership! What makes a great leader?
Leaders who want to inspire
members of a group should:
1. be willing to sacrifice their own needs for the good of the group
2. treat everyone fairly,
3. allow group members to participate in decision making.
4. display intelligence, self-discipline, and charisma and
5. moderate assertiveness, and confidence without arrogance
6. possess powerful communication skills using logic (logos),
emotion (pathos) and ethos (ethics).
7. have a talent for simplicity - know how to make complicated
things easy to understand
8. be
pragmatic and idealistic, optimistic yet realistic and
courageous tempered by caution.
9. display willingness to take responsibility
10. be creative, adaptive
and flexible when appropriate
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969)
said that “A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.”
“Leadership is based
on inspiration, not domination; on cooperation, not intimidation. (William Arthur Wood)
“The day soldiers stop
bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have
either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either
case is a failure of leadership.” (Colin Powell)
“Men make history,
and not the other way around. In periods where there is not leadership, society
stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity
to change things for the better.” (Harry S. Truman 1884 - 1972)
Name a great leader. Please tell us why you think that person was a great leader.
I most admire the leadership skills of ____________ because
s/he ________ and _________.
My strong points as a leader include _________and ________________.
My weak points include ___________________.
53 Where were you when the lights went out? – The art of telling a joke
What is black and white and
(red) read all over? Newspaper
What is a traffic jam you
cannot eat? Traffic jam
30 men were outside and had
only one umbrella. They didn’t get wet.
How did that happen? It wasn’t raining.
What goes up when the rain
comes down? Umbrellas
I have an eye, but cannot
see. What am I? Needle
What goes up and never comes
down? Your age.
What is in the middle of
the sea? “e”
What has four legs but cannot
walk? A table (or chair)
What turns everything around
but does not move? Mirror
Why do birds walk south for
the winter? It is too far to walk.
What is as big as an elephant
but weighs nothing? An elephant’s shadow.
What’s black when clean
and white when dirty? A blackboard.
What dress don’t you
wear? Address
What nails do carpenters
hate to hit? Fingernails.
How do you stop the dog from
barking in your backyard? Put it in your front yard.
What starts with “e”
ends with “e” but and has only one letter? An envelope
What word becomes shorter
if you add two letters? Shorter
Why are movie stars cool? They have so many fans.
What is a foreign ant? Import-ant
Why is 6 afraid of 7? 7 ate (8) nine.
How can you spell eighty
in two letters? A-T
How can you make seven even? Take off the “s”
If you take off my skin I
won’t cry but you will. What am I?
When does Friday come before
Thursday? In the dictionary.
What is coming but never
arrives? Tomorrow.
What gets bigger the more
you take away from it? A hole
You can hear me and see what
I do. But, you cannot see me. What
am I? The wind
The more you have of me the
less you can see. What am I? The
Where was the teacher when
the lights went out? In the dark.
Did you know that you have
a flower on your face? Yes, two – lips (tulips).
What would people call Canada
if everyone painted their car pink? Pink-car-nation
What kind of flowers grow
in outer space? Moonflowers, sunflowers, star clusters, cosmos
What do you call a pig with
three eyes (“i”s) Piiig!
What do you call a deer with
no eyes? No eyed deer (no idea)
What do you call a dead deer
with no eyes? Still no idea!
What’s the difference
between a boring book and a boring teacher? You can shut the boring book up! (My personal favorite joke!)
Did you know that I was a
gladiator? No? DO you want to hear
how I became a gladiator? Yes? When
I was in third grade of elementary school I had a very cruel teacher. She used
to hit us a lot, and make us sit under her desk. She was always rude to us. One day, she went on vacation to Florida. While she was down there, an alligator came along and ate her up. And, I was glad-he-ate-her. (Gladiator)
One day a college professor
asked his students if anyone of them was a moron. And, if they were to please
stand up. For a long time no one stood up.
Finally, one boy in the back of the class stood up. The professor asked: “Are you a moron? The student said: No, I just didn’t want to see you standing there all by your self.
A blind man with a seeing
eye dog went to the store. The clerk sees the man begin swinging the dog over
his head by the leash. So, the clerk asks the man: What are you doing to your dog? The blind man says: “Just looking around.”
Dumb blond jokes (There are
a million dumb blond jokes.)
How do you make a dumb blonds’
eyes shine?
Put a flashlight in her ear!
There were three dumb blonds
stuck on a desert island. Then one day a bottle washed up on the shore. A genie
popped out. He said: “Usually I give three wishes to one person, but because
there are three of you, I’ll give each of you one wish instead. The first
dumb blond said: “I miss my family, I wish I was back home.” Poof! She disappeared and was back home. The
second dumb blond said the same thing: “I miss my family, I wish I was back home.”
Poof! She disappeared. Then,
the third dumb blond said: “I’m lonely, I wish my friends were here.”
Lawyer jokes (Most American
hate lawyers and think they are greedy and evil.)
What’s black and brown
and looks good on a lawyer?
An angry Doberman!
Why do they bury lawyers
50 meters underground?
Deep down they’re really
good guys!
Two reporters had an argument
over how intelligent President Bush really is. One reporter said: He’s
really, really stupid! The other reporter said, no, President Bush is really
really smart. So they decided to test him at the next press conference. “President Bush,” President yelled the first reporter to get his attention. “Yes,” said the President. “President
Bush, do you know the name of the President of China?” President Bush scratched
his head and said: “Who?” Wow, exclaimed the reporter, “that’s
right, President Hu Jin Tao!” “President Bush!. President Bush!”
shouted the second reporter. “Do you know the name of the President of
South Korea?” “Mmm,” said President Bush, “No.” RIGHT, yelled the reporter, President Noh Mu-hyun!
One day a young reporter
asked the wise old editor: “How can you tell if a politician is telling the truth?” “Well,” said the wise old editor, if the politician scratches his head, he’s telling
the truth. If he strokes his chin, he’s telling the truth. If he nods his head, he’s telling the truth! But, as
soon as he opens his mouth and starts to talk, he’s lying!”
Student exercise: Each student should choose a joke, either something
he or she heard, or found on the internet, or one of the above and tell it to the class. Please, make it smooth!
54. Researchers seek routes to happier life
AP Science Writer - Sun Nov 26, 6:23 PM ET
As a motivational speaker and executive coach,
Caroline Adams Miller knows about using mental exercises to achieve goals. But last year, one exercise she was asked to try
took her by surprise.
Every night, she was to think of three good things
that happened that day and analyze why they occurred. That was supposed to increase her overall happiness.
"I thought it was too simple to be effective,"
said Miller, 44, of Bethesda. Md. "I went to Harvard. I'm used to things being complicated." Miller was assigned the task as homework in a master's degree program. But as a chronic worrier, she knew
she could use the kind of boost the exercise was supposed to deliver. She got
"The quality of my dreams has changed, I never
have trouble falling asleep and I do feel happier," she said. The problem is,
most of the books on store shelves aren't backed up by rigorous research, says Sonja Lyubomirsky, a psychologist at the University of California, Riverside.
Richard E. Lucas of Michigan State University
says, "most people are happy most of the time." That is, in a group of people who have
reasonably good health and income, most will probably rate a 7.5 or so on a happiness scale of zero to 10, he says.
Still, many people want to be happier. What can
they do? That's where research by Lyubomirsky, Seligman and others comes in.
People keep doing it on their own because it's
immediately rewarding, said Seligman colleague Acacia Parks. It makes people focus more on good things that happen, which
might otherwise be forgotten because of daily disappointments, she said.
A second approach that has shown promise in Seligman's
group has people discover their personal strengths through a specialized questionnaire and choose the five most prominent
ones. Then, every day for a week, they are to apply one or more of their strengths in a new way.
Strengths include things like the ability to find
humor or summon enthusiasm, appreciation of beauty, curiosity and love of learning. These two exercises were among five tested
on more than 500 people who'd visited a Web site called "Authentic Happiness." Another approach under study now is having
people work on savoring the pleasing things in their lives like a warm shower or a good breakfast, Parks said. Yet another
promising approach is having people write down what they want to be remembered for, to help them bring their daily activities
in line with what's really important to them, she said.
In one experiment, participants were asked to regularly
practice random acts of kindness, things like holding a door open for a stranger or doing a roommate's dishes, for 10 weeks.
The idea was to improve a person's self-image and promote good interactions with other people.
Participants who performed a variety of acts, rather
than repeating the same ones, showed an increase in happiness even a month after the experiment was concluded. Those who kept
on doing the acts on their own did better than those who didn't.
Other approaches she has found some preliminary
promise for include thinking about the happiest day in your life over and over again, without analyzing it, and writing about
how you'll be 10 years from now, assuming everything goes just right.
In fact, Diener says, happiness probably is really
about work and striving.
"Happiness is the process, not the place," he said
via e-mail. "So many of us think that when we get everything just right, and obtain certain goals and circumstances, everything
will be in place and we will be happy.... But once we get everything in place, we still need new goals and activities. The
Princess could not just stop when she got the Prince."
Seligman Web site: http://www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/
Lyubomirsky Web site: http://www.faculty.ucr.edu/sonja/
Diener Web site: http://www.psych.uiuc.edu/ediener/
On a scale of 0 – 10, how
happy are you?
Tell me one good thing that happened
to you today.
Tell me about one of your personal
Tell me about one pleasant thing
that happened to you today.
Tell me about the happiest day
of your life.
What do you think you’ll
be like 10 years from now if everything goes right?
Tell me one thing you want to
be remembered for.
Tell me about one random act
of kindness you performed in the last week.